Tuesday, 27 July 2010

PREFACE : My own experience with Humans.

My life – your life ?! I think most peoples’ lives could be compared more to a ‘Rollercoaster’ than a ‘Merry-Go-Round’ – and should that give us some comfort or make us unhappy ??
It is after all how we respond to what IS, that makes the difference between happiness and sadness ?  Between success and failure ??

BUT THEN again what controls our responses – DO WE REALLY HAVE ANY CONTROL AT ALL ?? 

Most of us like to believe that we can control with the power of our mind the very outcome we desire, and then we find ourselves up against insurmountable odds and challenges that seem impossible to master and those are the ‘Rollercoaster moments that make us divide into at least two categories of individuals: (1) those who give up and let the winds of destiny carry us somewhere; and (2) those who reach deep within the self and find some strength from somewhere and press onward and upward.

One of my teachers taught me that I must have a compelling reason to find more strength, and certainly when thinking of my family, specifically my children, I seemed to find new energy, new strength to keep going, as many other also do.

And some of these issues we will discuss in another book, but here today I want to concentrate on the inneraction between you and someone else; is there a way to identify others and know more about them before something bad happens?

I remember many moments of my life where I got close to someone and then ended up deceived or cheated because of some misunderstanding or miscommunication. Then there are those situations when there was no clarity at all on why a relationship ended up badly – and many times its because there was not clear roadmap to understand the other person from their point of view.
‘Oh, not that again!’ we reply in agony because again something happened that happened so many times before; or ‘What happened?’; or we blame the other person for the outcome.

Having been beaten myself up countless times with seemingly no solution, one beautiful day I learned about ‘Habitudes’; it was a seminar about the Habits and Attitudes of Mankind and how they are shaped. The space from 0 to 6 years of age where we soak up information like a dry sponge, followed by the 7 to 12 year old period where we begin to reach out and say things like ‘I want to say something.’ ‘I have something to contribute.’ And our parents come back to tell us that we don’t know anything yet and as long as we live in their house we must do things their way; this period is followed by the 13 to 21/24 year old time period where we feel that we know better than our parents and they are not so smart anyhow…?! I will be writing about this in another book altogether, just enroll in our online circle of friends and you will hear about it there.

How the Contours of someone’s form (body) can tell you about them?

There is a scientific pattern that clearly identifies how Humans grow up and what creates the patterns in their lives. When first being introduced to this science, it was rather revealing about myself and others; I have taken the study of Contourology very serious and began practicing it everywhere I went; I sat in malls observing people walking and would ask some of them for permission to read them and tell me how off I was from reality; this lead to analysis and more depth of understanding into the depths of others and through this process I began to learn and eventually master the science of people reading through Contourology.

It became an interesting topic of conversation at parties and meetings and I began teaching it in small settings and get together; the accuracy went from 30% to 50% and is now hovering at around 95%; eventually I began realizing the learning process of Contourology also deepened my understanding of the human; changes in human tendencies became more apparent and readable; like when a man or woman was moving out of one contour into another; and thus into other tendencies than they had before.

I also began to sense vibratorily what was going on inside the individual who sought counseling or emotional clearing from me; and this work became the most rewarding work of my entire training and speaking career. Today Contourology is helping me to assist people from all walks of life and even recognise emotions on a deep enough level to create an environment where physical recovery from illnesses becomes more possible. Particularly in countries where people are economically challenged and therefore have no time to do any kind of soul-searching activity and therefore are not in touch with the traumatic realities under the surface of their lives; and without searching of one’s soul, mind and heart, there can be grave suffering with no prospect of healing or recovery. This is an environment where age 0 to 6 programming takes over and most actions and activities are controlled by the 0 to 6 installed programs which leads to most people eventually becoming like mom and dad with often the same results in their lives.

Contourology cuts right through all the pretences and fakeries that people put up in front of themselves in order to try and hide the truth from others. Contourology gets straight to the point and it is based on science not feeling nature or some special abilities possessed by some rare people – anyone can learn it and practice it with phenomenal accuracy and with this knowledge cut across traditional barriers and popular beliefs that are not based of fact.

Even if a person is not honest about their true feelings and opinions, Contourology allows you to see more deeply and clearly into the heart and soul of another and the practice of Contourology gives anyone an edge in virtually every situation – sales, negotiations, deal-making, and more – even choosing a mate can be easier with the practice of Contourology. A Contourology practitioner can do more with less; an irreplaceable skill-set to lead you to more success and happiness in your life.

In many cases, the knowledge of Contourology can also help you to understand yourself better and therefore plan your life more effectively rather than bouncing around like a rubber ball with outcomes that lead to devastating scenarios and constant relationship frictions.

The most strenuous and long journey in this life is the journey from the head to the heart and to learn to balance the two; Contourology gives the practitioner the abilities necessary to balance mind and heart and combat belief systems that do not produce desirable results.

I am today more thankful than ever for Leland Val van de Wall’s mission and purpose of teaching the truth about life and the heritage of all our programming; he was perhaps the greatest of my mentors to bring me to the point of truly raising people to heights otherwise unattainable for them.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Do you have any materials by Leland Val Van De Wall that you recall? I am seeking speeches, broadcasts and or tapes/books.

Curious what's the biggest lessons you learned from his teaching and which ones served over your years?

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