Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Chapter 3 -THORACIC

Personality Traits:

♦ When positive is very smooth and tactful.
♦When negative can be arrogant and conceited.
♦Promotes everything, starts everything but may have difficulty in completing things, afraid to close.
♦Very thin skinned (easily hurt). Do not embarrass them publicly -- although they laugh it off, comfortable communications will be difficult in the future.
♦Although “variety is the spice of life” the Thoracic has difficulty remembering, that “monotony brings home the groceries”.
♦ Optimistic and willing to take risk. Get bored easily.

The Thoracic can sell all day and dance all night; when a Thoracic is negative, he will be smooth and more like a con artist and when he is in his element, he is a great promoter, but does not bring home the sale because he does not close the deal.

Thoracics make long lists of things to do but never get it done; they get distracted and are poor organisers. Thoracics are nice, not bad to be with, and when they are home there mind is everywhere else; they are super creative idea people and very impatient; they can be very tactful and sensitive; they can smooth things over and be empathetic which in many situation will appear to be non-involved; the female can wrap others around her finger so to speak.

Thoracics take their mobiles to bed with them but commitments are difficult to get and they will usually be 10 to 15 minutes early for meetings to make sure they don’t miss anything.

Physical Needs:

♦ VARIETY! The Thoracic is a clothes horse -- large wardrobe of very trendy styles. Wears clothes well. Style is very important.

♦ Impeccably dressed, clear co-ordinated right down to their underwear. Enjoys a variety in activities. 

♦ Home will be furnished with either the latest design or antiques, and continually re-arrange furniture. 

♦ Love to own toys -- cars are of the latest design. They usually drive cars that have “four or five on the floor”.

Thoracics often lean toward one or the other extreme, so you may find very quite elaborate tastes in furnishings, more extreme than any of the other contours; and they take their flashlight to bed to be ready to go ay any moment.

They often get up and do their bathroom tasks (sss) too fast and dress without totally drying their body and so they are still wet when they leave the house.

Financial Outlook:

♦Always involved in some promotion or deal. 

♦Money no object, to keep up with the in-crowd. Spends to excess, short on cash and savings. A master with credit cards. 

♦ Loves to be sold -- also easily unsold. Finds it difficult to make decisions. Changes their mind often.

They are always hooked into one deal or another; they operate at PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) with OPM (Other People’s Money). They are not afraid of bankers, they come into a bank look at the manager, if he is Osseous they leave and look for another bank where the manager is Thoracic; then they get the loan they need and credit card, oh yes credit cards… Thoracics have 5 MCs and 7 Visas and several AmEx cards and the like; and on ,many occasions they will use one card to pay off the other. We could call them Joe and Mary Plastic, whereas the Muscular does not know credit cards exist.
They drive a sports car with 5 on the floor and usually are seen in all the IN places; we can see them in the gym with the latest in apparel as if in a fashion competition.

Food Habit:

♦ Eats on the run -- stands up for breakfast because they usually go to bed late and get up late. 

♦ Does not matter what they eat but must be seen at all the “In Spots”. 

♦ Atmosphere important.

Whereas the Abdominal needs the treatment of fine China, the Thoracic is happy to drink from a paper cup as long as it is fast and he can run again. Fast food with atmosphere is their moto.

Health Results:

♦Great fear of getting old, good physical health important. The body beautiful is essential, therefore the plastic surgeon’s friend. 

♦ Health fanatic -- jogging and the latest in sports activities with designer outfit to go with each. 

♦Suffer from nervous fatigue -- needs only few hours to re-charge.

Thoracics are always on the ‘Go’; they keep going and going and going and when its enough they crash for 2 days to recuperate; they are the nuts, berries and bark people; they live with pills, suntan processes, the latest sports; the men are afraid to lose their sex drive and the woman are afraid of wrinkles.
Thoracis love people but need time to get away and be alone.

Marriage Partner:

Least compatible with cerebral or osseous.

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